Not tonight:
Good night Sam.
This is the kind of game you’d want Perron to step up and protect strudel, with no Chuckie. He did not, fyi.
okay, I'm done
final card
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Spring TRAINING?! Oh, hellllllll no! Hey, spring training means spring is coming! Spring, good.Rapid passage of time, bad.Rapid passage of winter good, just wish we could slow the rest of it down.
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Spring TRAINING?! Oh, hellllllll no! Hey, spring training means spring is coming! Spring, good.Rapid passage of time, bad.
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Spring TRAINING?! Oh, hellllllll no! Hey, spring training means spring is coming!
Cathy wrote:Spring TRAINING?! Oh, hellllllll no!
Oh, hellllllll no!
Hey, spring training means spring is coming!
Spring, good.
Rapid passage of time, bad.
Rapid passage of winter good, just wish we could slow the rest of it down.
Lol, winter hasn't been *too* bad here. Tons of sun in Jan and rainy but super mild now. I'm okay with Phil seeing his shadow.
This has been a drastic drop off from the finals the other night.
I wonder what the sens will do with G next Year? Kinda looks like he's fading fast this year. Might be best to let him walk and spend his $ elsewhere.
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:That was greig going after someone cuz wifi keeps going after strudel. wifi? is that a typo or intentional? That’s what they call that asshat on mtl with the weird name. Cuz his name looks like a password.
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:That was greig going after someone cuz wifi keeps going after strudel. wifi? is that a typo or intentional?
Russell wrote:That was greig going after someone cuz wifi keeps going after strudel.
That was greig going after someone cuz wifi keeps going after strudel.
wifi? is that a typo or intentional?
That’s what they call that asshat on mtl with the weird name. Cuz his name looks like a password.
Oh wait a minute, I think I knew that previously. lol
Bobby family reunion.
6 or 7 bobbies there
A wee tussle, and a lost lid
Holy crap, the wheels on sandy.
They did not come ready to play tonight. Still hung over from rum runners on the beach.