senior wrote:Cathy wrote:senior wrote:Cathy wrote:G spotPPGlast minutenew guyside of Gumby for good measure? Well I have one of them. Talk about a wasted walk from the couch. It's OK. I was on my way to the fridge anyway.
Cathy wrote:senior wrote:Cathy wrote:G spotPPGlast minutenew guyside of Gumby for good measure? Well I have one of them. Talk about a wasted walk from the couch.
senior wrote:Cathy wrote:G spotPPGlast minutenew guyside of Gumby for good measure? Well I have one of them.
Cathy wrote:G spotPPGlast minutenew guyside of Gumby for good measure?
G spot
last minute
new guy
side of Gumby for good measure?
Well I have one of them.
Talk about a wasted walk from the couch.
It's OK. I was on my way to the fridge anyway.
Play under review
Lol, what was that? Bobby from London had "intent" to blow.
Homer wrote:I don't think the Chuckie assist on that cheeky goal is enough of a something.
I don't think the Chuckie assist on that cheeky goal is enough of a something.
I don't have a good argument to counter that
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:AND I HAVE NOTHINGBreakaway PP goalDoes cheeky count as AYKM? It would greatly benefit me if it did.Unbiased I would say it definitely is on the aykm spectrum, whether it's lower case or upper case is the question. I don't even have that square. I'd say it counts. We don't see many goals like that one.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:AND I HAVE NOTHINGBreakaway PP goalDoes cheeky count as AYKM? It would greatly benefit me if it did.Unbiased I would say it definitely is on the aykm spectrum, whether it's lower case or upper case is the question.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:AND I HAVE NOTHINGBreakaway PP goalDoes cheeky count as AYKM?
Breakaway PP goal
Does cheeky count as AYKM?
It would greatly benefit me if it did.
Unbiased I would say it definitely is on the aykm spectrum, whether it's lower case or upper case is the question.
I don't even have that square. I'd say it counts. We don't see many goals like that one.
And was Chuckie's setup enough for something? (my card suddenly has..
Preds get one back less than 90 secs later.
Well of course.
Did Chuckie do enough?
senior wrote:Cathy wrote:senior wrote:Ok. Now refs suck. There's your overlapping penalties though Alright. 4 dabs now.
Cathy wrote:senior wrote:Ok. Now refs suck. There's your overlapping penalties though
senior wrote:Ok. Now refs suck.
Ok. Now refs suck.
There's your overlapping penalties though
Alright. 4 dabs now.
Technically, enough for bingo.
They do.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:I'm thinking that if an Everything event doesn't get you a bingo or 1 dab away from bingo, you're pretty much screwed for the game.I need *several* Everything's to come even close. I'm 3 dabs away from a Bingo in a couple places.
Cathy wrote:I'm thinking that if an Everything event doesn't get you a bingo or 1 dab away from bingo, you're pretty much screwed for the game.I need *several* Everything's to come even close.
I'm thinking that if an Everything event doesn't get you a bingo or 1 dab away from bingo, you're pretty much screwed for the game.
I need *several* Everything's to come even close.
I'm 3 dabs away from a Bingo in a couple places.
40% is failing grade, that's like an F minus