I should be here for puck drop, then out for 1st/2nd, then back for 3rd. 2:30PT start really cramps my dog's style (she has a date this afternoon). lol
I had to feed my dog dinner at 4:30 to get to the game. He's a bit confused but not complaining.
I will be late there due to my sister's late acceptance of the second ticket. My original friend has the flu and couldn't go, scrambling for another friend who doesn't also have the flu and can scramble to a 5:30 pm puck drop was impossible :(
Lol, do you have a special dinner-time routine for the doggo? My dog is never confused by food…she's occasionally confused as to what exactly IS food (she has a thing for cotton balls and used dryer sheets!).
I should be here for puck drop, then out for 1st/2nd, then back for 3rd. 2:30PT start really cramps my dog's style (she has a date this afternoon). lol
I had to feed my dog dinner at 4:30 to get to the game. He's a bit confused but not complaining.
I will be late there due to my sister's late acceptance of the second ticket. My original friend has the flu and couldn't go, scrambling for another friend who doesn't also have the flu and can scramble to a 5:30 pm puck drop was impossible :(
I should be here for puck drop, then out for 1st/2nd, then back for 3rd. 2:30PT start really cramps my dog's style (she has a date this afternoon). lol