Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:THomer wrote:SensKat wrote:G hits the spot against his former team! New guy too. I got 1/3 dabs I think that qualifies as an AYKM goal, all things considered. I wouldn't argue that ruling. Nah, that would be pushing it.
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:THomer wrote:SensKat wrote:G hits the spot against his former team! New guy too. I got 1/3 dabs I think that qualifies as an AYKM goal, all things considered. I wouldn't argue that ruling.
Russell wrote:THomer wrote:SensKat wrote:G hits the spot against his former team! New guy too. I got 1/3 dabs I think that qualifies as an AYKM goal, all things considered.
THomer wrote:SensKat wrote:G hits the spot against his former team! New guy too. I got 1/3 dabs
SensKat wrote:G hits the spot against his former team!
G hits the spot against his former team!
New guy too.
I got 1/3 dabs
I think that qualifies as an AYKM goal, all things considered.
I wouldn't argue that ruling.
Nah, that would be pushing it.
300th goal, against former team, beauty play?
tough room.
SensKat wrote:And the game is tied
And the game is tied
deviated tying goal.
Was that deviated?
Russell and I can be pushy.
Lol, and me without an overlapping penalty square.
data_sprite12 wrote:SensKat wrote:G hits the spot against his former team! + New guy, and Sens score first. I got all four dabs!
+ New guy, and Sens score first.
I got all four dabs!
I have none of them.
I got 2/4. had a typo on my initial search.
tjlincoln wrote:Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Evening, Sam20+ degrees and sunny today in Ottawa. 9C and a little bit of everything in Vancouver. Started cloudy, then some rain, now some sun.I'm probably going to regret not going out for errands this afternoon…0C later this week. We lost power for over 12 hours after gale force winds last night. I don’t do well at all without electricity
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Evening, Sam20+ degrees and sunny today in Ottawa. 9C and a little bit of everything in Vancouver. Started cloudy, then some rain, now some sun.I'm probably going to regret not going out for errands this afternoon…0C later this week.
Russell wrote:Evening, Sam20+ degrees and sunny today in Ottawa.
Evening, Sam
20+ degrees and sunny today in Ottawa.
9C and a little bit of everything in Vancouver. Started cloudy, then some rain, now some sun.
I'm probably going to regret not going out for errands this afternoon…0C later this week.
We lost power for over 12 hours after gale force winds last night. I don’t do well at all without electricity
I'm cooking with electric for the first time THIS CENTURY, I'm worried about the first power outage.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Evening, Sam20+ degrees and sunny today in Ottawa. It was a pretty glorious day. You guys got the wind warning for tonight? Yeah, strong winds with gusts in the 70-80 km/h range. It was pretty windy today. Probably gonna take the rest of the leaves off the trees.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Evening, Sam20+ degrees and sunny today in Ottawa. It was a pretty glorious day. You guys got the wind warning for tonight?
It was a pretty glorious day. You guys got the wind warning for tonight?
Yeah, strong winds with gusts in the 70-80 km/h range. It was pretty windy today. Probably gonna take the rest of the leaves off the trees.
Is that wind strong enough to dump the leaves in your neighbor's yard too?
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Evening, Sam20+ degrees and sunny today in Ottawa. It was a pretty glorious day. You guys got the wind warning for tonight? Yeah, strong winds with gusts in the 70-80 km/h range. It was pretty windy today. Probably gonna take the rest of the leaves off the trees. hadn’t heard about that
hadn’t heard about that
Cathy wrote:Well that was poetic.
Well that was poetic.
Nicely said 😎