Kelly is not playing, right?
Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:does 3 pts for chuckie count as doing something? He is just a bad a$$No
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:does 3 pts for chuckie count as doing something? He is just a bad a$$
Russell wrote:does 3 pts for chuckie count as doing something?
does 3 pts for chuckie count as doing something?
He is just a bad a$$
new square: Chuckie's ass is bad.
Goal, fight or really getting under other teams skin (this one is cumulative)
Russell wrote:as dumb as it gets.
as dumb as it gets.
way worse than dumb
Cathy wrote:overlapping dumbness?
overlapping dumbness?
Oh yeah
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:ok, they've decided to make the game interesting at least Should a "give-n-go be goal" a square?They can be pretty, but not necessary AYKM goals. Did we have an AYKM-lite square last year?I agree though, there are some NICE! goals that are probably dab worthy but they aren't really WHATs or AYKMs.gets very subjective though. because WHAT and AYKM *aren't* subjective?
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:ok, they've decided to make the game interesting at least Should a "give-n-go be goal" a square?They can be pretty, but not necessary AYKM goals. Did we have an AYKM-lite square last year?I agree though, there are some NICE! goals that are probably dab worthy but they aren't really WHATs or AYKMs.gets very subjective though.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:ok, they've decided to make the game interesting at least Should a "give-n-go be goal" a square?They can be pretty, but not necessary AYKM goals. Did we have an AYKM-lite square last year?I agree though, there are some NICE! goals that are probably dab worthy but they aren't really WHATs or AYKMs.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:ok, they've decided to make the game interesting at least Should a "give-n-go be goal" a square?They can be pretty, but not necessary AYKM goals.
SensKat wrote:ok, they've decided to make the game interesting at least
ok, they've decided to make the game interesting at least
Should a "give-n-go be goal" a square?
They can be pretty, but not necessary AYKM goals.
Did we have an AYKM-lite square last year?
I agree though, there are some NICE! goals that are probably dab worthy but they aren't really WHATs or AYKMs.
gets very subjective though.
because WHAT and AYKM *aren't* subjective?
AYKM is usually pretty obvious. the WHAT! can be iffy.
you folks see that video breakdown by mike rupp on matthews being a weinie?