Oh hey, I'm a WHAT?! away from a corner bingo. Those ones are so darn sneaky!
senior wrote:Turned my back for one minuet and the stupid cat got into my apple crisp. May take him to the pound for that. You don't mess with my desert!
Turned my back for one minuet and the stupid cat got into my apple crisp. May take him to the pound for that. You don't mess with my desert!
That cat needs to make better life choices.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Since the Norris high stick was also reviewed, does that get a double dab? reviewed/waved off? yeah.
Cathy wrote:Since the Norris high stick was also reviewed, does that get a double dab?
Since the Norris high stick was also reviewed, does that get a double dab?
reviewed/waved off? yeah.
I got distracted by my bingo. lol
data_sprite12 wrote:I think that was the easiest Bingo I ever got! Can someone double-check my dabs to make sure?https://www.focusring.ca/bingo/SensBingo.html?board=mWtbYNEMkfZUOhLPKnoIViAe&scored=2645279&tscored=11222101122022&bname=data_sprite12_game4
I think that was the easiest Bingo I ever got!
Can someone double-check my dabs to make sure?
The data checks out!
That was a AYKM goal saving play/save.
AYKM? Gord hit a different octave, that's usually a good indicator.
Lots of dabs but they won't line up.
Kardinal wrote:Joseph to Motte to Pinto!
Joseph to Motte to Pinto!
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:too many snes Dumb/my bad? Dumb was already dabbed. What was the circumstances of it? Sometimes it could be either/or.
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:too many snes Dumb/my bad?
SensKat wrote:too many snes
too many snes
Dumb/my bad?
Dumb was already dabbed. What was the circumstances of it? Sometimes it could be either/or.
I forgot to rewind and check Too many SNES circumstances during intermission.
SensKat wrote:another post. that's what, 4 so far?
another post. that's what, 4 so far?
I think so. (at *least* 4)
Like I said, doubling up on dabs tonight.