Russell wrote:Homer wrote:Russell wrote:this is , well, I don't know what it is. a collaborator he's encouraging the guy to go join an illegal event. on camera.
Homer wrote:Russell wrote:this is , well, I don't know what it is. a collaborator
Russell wrote:this is , well, I don't know what it is.
this is , well, I don't know what it is.
a collaborator
he's encouraging the guy to go join an illegal event. on camera.
The only thing missing is the secret handshake. They probably did that off camera.
Caps hit post
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Russell wrote:this is , well, I don't know what it is. a collaborator Is OPP "regular" police or more like our Capitol Police?provincial jurisdiction, like state troopers.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Russell wrote:this is , well, I don't know what it is. a collaborator Is OPP "regular" police or more like our Capitol Police?
Is OPP "regular" police or more like our Capitol Police?
provincial jurisdiction, like state troopers.
provincial jurisdiction.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Intermission on mute...not sure I want to unmute.There were a few bleeped words coming out of the cold water.
Cathy wrote:Intermission on mute...not sure I want to unmute.
Intermission on mute...not sure I want to unmute.
There were a few bleeped words coming out of the cold water.
If only "Dumb Penalty" was "That was dumb" instead. This might be a candidate. lol
tjlincoln wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy, Come visit Ottawa, parking is free. I like the shot at KMart Towers was another Canadian department store that ceased operation in 1991.
tjlincoln wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy, Come visit Ottawa, parking is free. I like the shot at KMart
Homer wrote:Cathy, Come visit Ottawa, parking is free.
Cathy, Come visit Ottawa, parking is free.
I like the shot at KMart
Towers was another Canadian department store that ceased operation in 1991.
thats funny.
Sam-sow-nov. :/
SensKat wrote:Chuckie did something that time
Chuckie did something that time
Nobody puts baby in concussion protocol.
Homer wrote:There, you go Cathy, looks like Chuckie did something
There, you go Cathy, looks like Chuckie did something
Just doing my part to save you from another feline three-way tie..
I feel like there HAD to be a deviation in there somewhere.