See "5 years" sounds bad but "9 games" doesn't sound NEARLY as bad.
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:5 years since we beat the Caps. LMAO Well, 4* years...I don't think it's fair to count last year in those kind of stats. That would be 4 seasons. Still 5 years.Oh, yeah, I was totally thinking in season-years not calendar-years. Duh. I know it FEELS like time has stopped during Covid....
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:5 years since we beat the Caps. LMAO Well, 4* years...I don't think it's fair to count last year in those kind of stats. That would be 4 seasons. Still 5 years.Oh, yeah, I was totally thinking in season-years not calendar-years. Duh.
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:5 years since we beat the Caps. LMAO Well, 4* years...I don't think it's fair to count last year in those kind of stats. That would be 4 seasons. Still 5 years.
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:5 years since we beat the Caps. LMAO Well, 4* years...I don't think it's fair to count last year in those kind of stats.
SensKat wrote:5 years since we beat the Caps. LMAO
5 years since we beat the Caps. LMAO
Well, 4* years...I don't think it's fair to count last year in those kind of stats.
That would be 4 seasons. Still 5 years.
Oh, yeah, I was totally thinking in season-years not calendar-years. Duh.
I know it FEELS like time has stopped during Covid....
Lol my big work project to close out 2021 is how I know it *didn't* stop. It has lost all meaning though.
Yeah, we totally would have owned them.
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:So do we alpha sort or is there a tie breaking procedure?? Seniority :)
Cathy wrote:So do we alpha sort or is there a tie breaking procedure??
So do we alpha sort or is there a tie breaking procedure??
Seniority :)
Age before beauty
I know you guys are going to laugh but it's dropped into the low 60s and the cold wind is picking up but I have to keep the windows open because the carpet isn't dry yet. :brr: (emoticon pages isn't loading so I took a guess)
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:not a typical OV one timer, but does it count as one?I guess that also counts as a goal review. Oh, yeah, I guess it does...BINGO oh crap, I forgot to update the bingo board from the last one. Been out of practice with all the canceled games. Don't worry, I was counting. As it stands now, Cat and Kat are tied for 2nd.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:not a typical OV one timer, but does it count as one?I guess that also counts as a goal review. Oh, yeah, I guess it does...BINGO oh crap, I forgot to update the bingo board from the last one. Been out of practice with all the canceled games. Don't worry, I was counting.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:not a typical OV one timer, but does it count as one?I guess that also counts as a goal review. Oh, yeah, I guess it does...BINGO oh crap, I forgot to update the bingo board from the last one. Been out of practice with all the canceled games.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:not a typical OV one timer, but does it count as one?I guess that also counts as a goal review. Oh, yeah, I guess it does...BINGO
Homer wrote:not a typical OV one timer, but does it count as one?I guess that also counts as a goal review.
not a typical OV one timer, but does it count as one?
I guess that also counts as a goal review.
Oh, yeah, I guess it does...
oh crap, I forgot to update the bingo board from the last one. Been out of practice with all the canceled games.
Don't worry, I was counting.
As it stands now, Cat and Kat are tied for 2nd.
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
I feel like him taking a knee on the shot makes it count as a one timer.
Kardinal wrote:35G in 50GP against the Sens for Ovie. Most for any active player in the league. Ugh.
35G in 50GP against the Sens for Ovie. Most for any active player in the league. Ugh.
holy crap!