I might not make it to the end, but not for the reason as everyone else. 30mph winds are slamming a tree into the wall right behind the TV. This could be a VERY long couple of hours.
Call your local cable branch.
See what I did there?
Lol, I'm not worried about the internet going out. (totally going to jinx it now that I say that) It's the sound, it's annoying as hell.
The stucco wall is going to be glass smooth by tomorrow morning.
I might not make it to the end, but not for the reason as everyone else. 30mph winds are slamming a tree into the wall right behind the TV. This could be a VERY long couple of hours.
I might not make it to the end, but not for the reason as everyone else. 30mph winds are slamming a tree into the wall right behind the TV. This could be a VERY long couple of hours.