Local reference and bonus for mentioning the LRT fiasco. The train hasn't run since Sept 19th. The pandemic and much of downtown workers WFH is saving the city and over loading a depleted transit system.
oh, and Homer.... weird as it sounds, if you are plateauing and it doesn't break soon, have a day where you eat more, and then go back. Sometimes that kick-starts things again.
Popcorn is a good kind of snack. Copied from an internet source, but many say the same thing...
Popcorn does contain carbs, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. One-fifth of the carbohydrates in popcorn are in the form of dietary fiber, which is good for your overall health. Popcorn is a good example of a high-volume, low-calorie whole grain. If cooked correctly, it makes a healthy snack.
They say you can subtract grams of dietary fiber from grams of carbs for your carb count. Dietary fiber carbs don't convert to sugar.
It's the butter that makes it less healthy, which is why I just go with a spicy seasoning.
oh for sure, it's net carbs that matter.
I'm actually not a huge popcorn fan, so that one doesn't bother me that much. I'm planning to try carb cycling for a bit, so tomorrow is my carb refeeding day. Yay for charcuterie!
When I was 1st looking this up it was limit carb intake, but also eat a high fiber diet. I was but, but fiber is carbs. Wasn't until a did more digging that you can subtract the fiber carbs.
Also he worst is the 3rd week plateau.
Weeks 1 and 2, net calorie deficit and losing weight.
Week 3, same net calorie deficit and nothing. Stupid body, sees a deficit and puts itself into a starving mode slows metabolism and stores calories as fat reserves. Why the hell doesn't the body do the something similar with extra calories, up the metabolism and BURN IT DAMMIT!
yeah. It's sucky. Losing weight is HARD, and these days I don't have the willpower to stick with it for long at a stretch.