Home team take 1st penalty
Homer wrote:I think that sequence qualifies as a WTF ref!
I think that sequence qualifies as a WTF ref!
I kinda forget about that one when they miss a thing but still call *something*.
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:boy, we're a talkative bunch tonight.I decided if I move up north it won't be to Oregon. I just can't give up pumping my own gas. lol. It's the little thingsNo kidding. Moved the laundry to the dryer on the last commercial and thought, "Do they have surf shops in PNW, where am I going to get my t-shirts?"Not sure but I *may* be focusing on the wrong things right now.
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:boy, we're a talkative bunch tonight.I decided if I move up north it won't be to Oregon. I just can't give up pumping my own gas. lol. It's the little things
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:boy, we're a talkative bunch tonight.I decided if I move up north it won't be to Oregon. I just can't give up pumping my own gas.
SensKat wrote:boy, we're a talkative bunch tonight.
boy, we're a talkative bunch tonight.
I decided if I move up north it won't be to Oregon. I just can't give up pumping my own gas.
lol. It's the little things
No kidding. Moved the laundry to the dryer on the last commercial and thought, "Do they have surf shops in PNW, where am I going to get my t-shirts?"
Not sure but I *may* be focusing on the wrong things right now.
The good news is that no matter where you live, you can order t-shirts online!
Corey Perry's angry eyes are the same shade of blue as his helmet.
I can't tell if they actually mention his name more often, or if it just seems like it because it doesn't roll of the tongue with English phonetics, but Kotkaniemi is the magic word tonight.
The complete reversal in SOG vs gm3 is kinda insane.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:game tied after 1, goal-free period Bonus points for correct terminology of "goal free"...someone posts "goal less" and I'm gonna Ctrl+F "less" and miss a dab! Sorry, vaccine side effect.
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:game tied after 1, goal-free period Bonus points for correct terminology of "goal free"...someone posts "goal less" and I'm gonna Ctrl+F "less" and miss a dab!
SensKat wrote:game tied after 1, goal-free period
game tied after 1, goal-free period
Bonus points for correct terminology of "goal free"...someone posts "goal less" and I'm gonna Ctrl+F "less" and miss a dab!
Sorry, vaccine side effect.
It'll get better once the 5G fully kicks in.
Cathy wrote:Home outshoots V in 1st, mathematical dab
Home outshoots V in 1st, mathematical dab
game tied in 1st
goal less period.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Did you guys see Vegas GM tested positive too? I heard someone else tested positive, but didn't catch who it was. I guess that means he won't fly back with the team? Lol, didn't even think about that! Makes you wonder if coaches keep their mask on in the dressing room.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Did you guys see Vegas GM tested positive too? I heard someone else tested positive, but didn't catch who it was. I guess that means he won't fly back with the team? Lol, didn't even think about that!
Homer wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Did you guys see Vegas GM tested positive too? I heard someone else tested positive, but didn't catch who it was. I guess that means he won't fly back with the team?
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Did you guys see Vegas GM tested positive too? I heard someone else tested positive, but didn't catch who it was.
Cathy wrote:Did you guys see Vegas GM tested positive too?
Did you guys see Vegas GM tested positive too?
I heard someone else tested positive, but didn't catch who it was.
I guess that means he won't fly back with the team?
Lol, didn't even think about that!
Makes you wonder if coaches keep their mask on in the dressing room.
They are supposed to - and they are actually only allowed in there very briefly, something like 10 minutes right before game time