Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Breakaway was official ruling, yes? yes
Cathy wrote:Breakaway was official ruling, yes?
Breakaway was official ruling, yes?
In that case, could the Sens please stop shooting.
Ref suck for not pulling out that sick in the end boards?
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:what is this play-off card of which you speak? Homer is building out a playoffs Bingo card so we can keep the fun going
Russell wrote:what is this play-off card of which you speak?
what is this play-off card of which you speak?
Homer is building out a playoffs Bingo card so we can keep the fun going
Linked on the last (first chronologically) page of this thread.
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Anyone else hear what sounded like a scoring change on the PA a few minutes ago?I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it may indicate a deviation dab. this would matter to me. Never mind, I was hearing things! Seriously though, I don't know how to check for deviations. looks like they have added an assist on the first goal, maybe that was it?
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Anyone else hear what sounded like a scoring change on the PA a few minutes ago?I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it may indicate a deviation dab. this would matter to me. Never mind, I was hearing things! Seriously though, I don't know how to check for deviations.
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Anyone else hear what sounded like a scoring change on the PA a few minutes ago?I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it may indicate a deviation dab. this would matter to me.
Cathy wrote:Anyone else hear what sounded like a scoring change on the PA a few minutes ago?I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it may indicate a deviation dab.
Anyone else hear what sounded like a scoring change on the PA a few minutes ago?
I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it may indicate a deviation dab.
this would matter to me.
Never mind, I was hearing things!
Seriously though, I don't know how to check for deviations.
looks like they have added an assist on the first goal, maybe that was it?
"assist" is what I heard, so that's probably it
Cathy wrote:Dammit, I need Dzingel to get in on this action!
Dammit, I need Dzingel to get in on this action!
tjlincoln wrote:Happy for Colin White, who needs to be traded
Happy for Colin White, who needs to be traded
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer, you took the fight square of the playoff card, right? commented it out for now. debating on keeping it or not. Keep or remove?
Cathy wrote:Homer, you took the fight square of the playoff card, right?
Homer, you took the fight square of the playoff card, right?
commented it out for now. debating on keeping it or not.
Keep or remove?
Remove. That seems like a REAL long-shot dab, no? I foresee a lot of cursing that square were it to remain.
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:Why...why are there TWO goalies on the bench??? Well.... premature pulling
Cathy wrote:Why...why are there TWO goalies on the bench???
Why...why are there TWO goalies on the bench???
Well.... premature pulling