Kardinal wrote:SensKat wrote:Kardinal wrote:Oops.....was on a walk around the Glebe and forgot there was a game on. Many dabs so far? ummm. Yeah. Here's your card. Hoe. Lee. Craponacracker. I had no idea when I asked. That’s unreal.
SensKat wrote:Kardinal wrote:Oops.....was on a walk around the Glebe and forgot there was a game on. Many dabs so far? ummm. Yeah. Here's your card.
Kardinal wrote:Oops.....was on a walk around the Glebe and forgot there was a game on. Many dabs so far?
Oops.....was on a walk around the Glebe and forgot there was a game on. Many dabs so far?
Yeah. Here's your card.
Hoe. Lee. Craponacracker. I had no idea when I asked. That’s unreal.
Yep. I was just like "oh, I'll quickly check his card". Wait.... WHAT THE HELL???
I'm gonna need to see the replay on that.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Kardinal wrote:Oops.....was on a walk around the Glebe and forgot there was a game on. Many dabs so far? ummm. Yeah. Here's your card. Seriously? Again in the 1st? I think the rest of us deserve an AYKM?! dab.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Kardinal wrote:Oops.....was on a walk around the Glebe and forgot there was a game on. Many dabs so far? ummm. Yeah. Here's your card. Seriously? Again in the 1st?
Seriously? Again in the 1st?
I think the rest of us deserve an AYKM?! dab.
I don't have that one. I do have WHAT?!
Impressive offensive pressure on that goal.
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:TSN pundits say that should have been a goal. Does that mean Refs suck? It's got my vote unbiased vote? I don't have the square myself. I'm biased, because I do have the square. But I would vote yes.100% biased yes vote here.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:TSN pundits say that should have been a goal. Does that mean Refs suck? It's got my vote unbiased vote? I don't have the square myself. I'm biased, because I do have the square. But I would vote yes.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:TSN pundits say that should have been a goal. Does that mean Refs suck? It's got my vote unbiased vote? I don't have the square myself.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:TSN pundits say that should have been a goal. Does that mean Refs suck? It's got my vote
Homer wrote:TSN pundits say that should have been a goal. Does that mean Refs suck?
TSN pundits say that should have been a goal. Does that mean Refs suck?
It's got my vote
unbiased vote?
I don't have the square myself.
I'm biased, because I do have the square. But I would vote yes.
100% biased yes vote here.
Well if three biased people and two tsn pundits say yes, I guess Refs suck.
Homer wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Kardinal wrote:Oops.....was on a walk around the Glebe and forgot there was a game on. Many dabs so far? ummm. Yeah. Here's your card. Seriously? Again in the 1st? WAIT!!! Did you get vaccinated yet?
WAIT!!! Did you get vaccinated yet?
lmao. He did, no loophole there.
Yep. I triple-checked it.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:WTF are the Dallas Stars wearing?Looks like a Rainbow logo. https://twitter.com/DallasStars/status/1386784139760836612?s=20If that's what they are wearing right now, then I have more brain damage than I realized.I saw neon. I think maybe that's just the numbers? I'm not sure. It was pretty blinding. Maybe the camera is not picking up the colors right?https://twitter.com/DallasStars/status/1386832087613943809?s=20
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:WTF are the Dallas Stars wearing?Looks like a Rainbow logo. https://twitter.com/DallasStars/status/1386784139760836612?s=20If that's what they are wearing right now, then I have more brain damage than I realized.I saw neon. I think maybe that's just the numbers? I'm not sure. It was pretty blinding.
Cathy wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:WTF are the Dallas Stars wearing?Looks like a Rainbow logo. https://twitter.com/DallasStars/status/1386784139760836612?s=20If that's what they are wearing right now, then I have more brain damage than I realized.I saw neon.
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:WTF are the Dallas Stars wearing?Looks like a Rainbow logo. https://twitter.com/DallasStars/status/1386784139760836612?s=20
SensKat wrote:WTF are the Dallas Stars wearing?
WTF are the Dallas Stars wearing?
Looks like a Rainbow logo.
If that's what they are wearing right now, then I have more brain damage than I realized.
I saw neon.
I think maybe that's just the numbers? I'm not sure. It was pretty blinding.
Maybe the camera is not picking up the colors right?
Maybe the rainbow jerseys were just in warm-up?
It burns!!