Cathy wrote:Owie! Just saw the replay, stick follow through square to Stu's nose. Just watching it made my nose tingle uncomfortably.
Owie! Just saw the replay, stick follow through square to Stu's nose. Just watching it made my nose tingle uncomfortably.
seeing any hit to the nose makes me flinch
SensKat wrote:Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:Who got hit in the face off the face off?I swear I'm not trying to be funny. Stu? I didn't see it. Lack of focus....
Cathy wrote:Cathy wrote:Who got hit in the face off the face off?I swear I'm not trying to be funny. Stu?
Cathy wrote:Who got hit in the face off the face off?
Who got hit in the face off the face off?
I swear I'm not trying to be funny. Stu?
I didn't see it. Lack of focus....
It was right at the edge of the screen, nearside boards, someone dropped everything and grabbed their face. That kind of grab when you know they're not trying to get a call.
senior wrote:Not sleeping. Flipping back and forth between curling and hockey. With cat sleeping on me.
Not sleeping. Flipping back and forth between curling and hockey. With cat sleeping on me.
Ohh, I miss having a small furry buddy sleeping on me.
(Be quiet, Russell.)
Cathy wrote:SensKat wrote:I'm fading here.... someone needs to do something entertainingIn the thread? On the ice? Either? Both??
SensKat wrote:I'm fading here.... someone needs to do something entertaining
I'm fading here.... someone needs to do something entertaining
In the thread? On the ice? Either? Both??
Either! 2 late nights in a row is not as easy as it used to be.
Cathy wrote:Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Shots in 2nd? Chabot's ice time? Outshot, Chabot's ice time irrelevant since we dabbed that square in the 1st I knew that.Lol, it couldn't simply be that he's curious about Chabot's TOI? It has to be ALL about the bingo??
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Shots in 2nd? Chabot's ice time? Outshot, Chabot's ice time irrelevant since we dabbed that square in the 1st I knew that.
SensKat wrote:Russell wrote:Shots in 2nd? Chabot's ice time? Outshot, Chabot's ice time irrelevant since we dabbed that square in the 1st
Russell wrote:Shots in 2nd? Chabot's ice time?
Shots in 2nd? Chabot's ice time?
Outshot, Chabot's ice time irrelevant since we dabbed that square in the 1st
I knew that.
Lol, it couldn't simply be that he's curious about Chabot's TOI? It has to be ALL about the bingo??
lol. Well his obsession with knowing Chabot's TOI coincidentally started around the same time that square was added...
I think Senior fell asleep again. Dab.