SensKat wrote:My cardHomer's cardKardinal's Kard
My card
Homer's card
Kardinal's Kard
Thanks for keep track of my card. Just finished a long working day.
My card:
well, they were very competitive and Murray was good. I can live with that.
My card.
The only square I needed was Fight. Can't believe there were no fights in this game.
cheap ass late shot on Strudel. habs are such dirtbags.
Sens pull goalie.
SensKat wrote:Chabot negates the PP. Dumb penalty?
Chabot negates the PP. Dumb penalty?
Reilly in the offensive zone gets an assist on that dumb penalty.
senior wrote:Beavertail mention. Dab
Beavertail mention. Dab
mmmmm..... Beavertails
Sens back to the PP
Russell wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:SensKat wrote:Holy Hell it's cold out there! It's only minus 5 here. How cold is it there? -6, but -15 with the windchill Donald Trump said wind chill was fake news. Donald Trump has clearly never lived 200m from the shore of Lake Ontario I think he said he was going to buy lake ontario.
SensKat wrote:senior wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:SensKat wrote:Holy Hell it's cold out there! It's only minus 5 here. How cold is it there? -6, but -15 with the windchill Donald Trump said wind chill was fake news. Donald Trump has clearly never lived 200m from the shore of Lake Ontario
senior wrote:SensKat wrote:senior wrote:SensKat wrote:Holy Hell it's cold out there! It's only minus 5 here. How cold is it there? -6, but -15 with the windchill Donald Trump said wind chill was fake news.
SensKat wrote:senior wrote:SensKat wrote:Holy Hell it's cold out there! It's only minus 5 here. How cold is it there? -6, but -15 with the windchill
senior wrote:SensKat wrote:Holy Hell it's cold out there! It's only minus 5 here. How cold is it there?
SensKat wrote:Holy Hell it's cold out there!
Holy Hell it's cold out there!
It's only minus 5 here. How cold is it there?
-6, but -15 with the windchill
Donald Trump said wind chill was fake news.
Donald Trump has clearly never lived 200m from the shore of Lake Ontario
I think he said he was going to buy lake ontario.
The greatest land deal offer ever and Canada was going to pay for it!
Russell wrote:senior wrote:Russell wrote:I think we got lube on that Gudbransson hit. That was pretty high. YEs I think so. Lube it is!
senior wrote:Russell wrote:I think we got lube on that Gudbransson hit. That was pretty high. YEs I think so.
Russell wrote:I think we got lube on that Gudbransson hit. That was pretty high.
I think we got lube on that Gudbransson hit. That was pretty high.
YEs I think so.
Lube it is!
Unless your a Habs fan and then it's a Refs Suck.
Kardinal wrote:Afternoon Ralph et al. It seems like the game has been pretty good?
Afternoon Ralph et al. It seems like the game has been pretty good?
It hasn't been exciting, but it hasn't been a BAD game, so I guess that makes it a good one