Homer wrote:Sens score.. Turning point!
Sens score.. Turning point!
Guy named Brown gets an assist.
SensKat wrote:yeah, this one hasn't been particularly.... interesting
yeah, this one hasn't been particularly.... interesting
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Brady did another something Got an extra two for it. Refs suck? my aren't we being generous with the dabs? ok, ok, that was a weak one.
SensKat wrote:Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Brady did another something Got an extra two for it. Refs suck? my aren't we being generous with the dabs?
Homer wrote:SensKat wrote:Brady did another something Got an extra two for it. Refs suck?
SensKat wrote:Brady did another something
Brady did another something
Got an extra two for it. Refs suck?
my aren't we being generous with the dabs?
ok, ok, that was a weak one.
I don't even have the Fight square. lol
Chuckie does something again.
any fighting majors this time?
data_sprite12 wrote:The crown sound effects operator gets a break tonight.
The crown sound effects operator gets a break tonight.
lol! That's a good point. Just the same monotonous background hum all game.