two more games..two more updates...Cathy continues the lead!
after the break...Cathy is still in the lead!
Cathy maintains the lead going into the break!
Cathy takes the lead with a GWG!
we have a new leader!
after the leafs game Cathy briefly moved into the number two spot, but back up with the correct score!
and I got the GWG in the Utah game...
Cbinc wrote:I was five seconds away from the correct score....
I was five seconds away from the correct score....
5 seconds can make all the difference. TWSS
Cathy holds on to the lead...barely...way to go!
Cathy still in the lead!
this was a good weekend
sorry for the update delay...I have been trying to find a Zinfandel replacement...a Shiraz just wont do
sorry, three days of updates...Cathy maintains the lead, with a correct score!
someone got the GWG...AND IT WASN'T CATHY!!
Cbinc wrote:Cathy with the commanding lead with FIVE GWG! Awesome!
Cathy with the commanding lead with FIVE GWG! Awesome!
apparently Homer's envelopes have been a little light this year.
Cathy wrote:Not to kick him when he's down but…I think my lead is actually 1 point larger. I should have a point for the win last night.
Not to kick him when he's down but…I think my lead is actually 1 point larger. I should have a point for the win last night.
size matters