Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:As Senior is on his way to Del Boca Vista, Never any doubt. What city? back to new Smyrna beach in FLA.
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:As Senior is on his way to Del Boca Vista, Never any doubt. What city?
Russell wrote:As Senior is on his way to Del Boca Vista, Never any doubt.
As Senior is on his way to Del Boca Vista,
Never any doubt.
What city?
back to new Smyrna beach in FLA.
fun fact: new Smyrna beach is the shark attack capital of the USA, (something our folks never told us while we were going for swims while visiting.) I suggested Senior strap some pork chops to his shins and go for a wade.
Final card, two bingos:
once again, no bingo. What a time to go into a bingo slump.
Final card. I needed Chuckie or Stutzle to be more selfish on G's EN goal.
Homer wrote:Cathy wrote:G spot bingo! That's a good feeling isn't it?
Cathy wrote:G spot bingo!
G spot bingo!
That's a good feeling isn't it?
like you'd know.
Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Oh my, I could have done without that Tanner Jeanut injury replay! thats the guy they spent 5 picks on, and hes gone for the season. A first, a second a third a fourth and a fifth not good value for the playoffs especially considering he wasnt anything special. You just know Toronto is going to finally get thru these guys only to get boat raced by Boston winning "a" round will still be like a cup parade for them. But, i have faith they will find a way to suck.
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Oh my, I could have done without that Tanner Jeanut injury replay! thats the guy they spent 5 picks on, and hes gone for the season. A first, a second a third a fourth and a fifth not good value for the playoffs especially considering he wasnt anything special. You just know Toronto is going to finally get thru these guys only to get boat raced by Boston
Russell wrote:tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Oh my, I could have done without that Tanner Jeanut injury replay! thats the guy they spent 5 picks on, and hes gone for the season. A first, a second a third a fourth and a fifth not good value for the playoffs especially considering he wasnt anything special.
tjlincoln wrote:Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Oh my, I could have done without that Tanner Jeanut injury replay! thats the guy they spent 5 picks on, and hes gone for the season. A first, a second a third a fourth and a fifth not good value for the playoffs
Russell wrote:Cathy wrote:Oh my, I could have done without that Tanner Jeanut injury replay! thats the guy they spent 5 picks on, and hes gone for the season.
Cathy wrote:Oh my, I could have done without that Tanner Jeanut injury replay!
Oh my, I could have done without that Tanner Jeanut injury replay!
thats the guy they spent 5 picks on, and hes gone for the season.
A first, a second a third a fourth and a fifth not good value for the playoffs
especially considering he wasnt anything special.
You just know Toronto is going to finally get thru these guys only to get boat raced by Boston
winning "a" round will still be like a cup parade for them. But, i have faith they will find a way to suck.
I hope your faith is warranted
Sokolov with the game winner. I don't think anyone picked him.
final card
Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Homer wrote:2-on-1 Second bingo! Sprite's picking my cards from now on. Aren't you on top of the leader board every year? Russell's right on my ass, I need all the help I can get!
data_sprite12 wrote:Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Homer wrote:2-on-1 Second bingo! Sprite's picking my cards from now on. Aren't you on top of the leader board every year?
Cathy wrote:data_sprite12 wrote:Homer wrote:2-on-1 Second bingo! Sprite's picking my cards from now on.
data_sprite12 wrote:Homer wrote:2-on-1 Second bingo!
Homer wrote:2-on-1
Second bingo!
Sprite's picking my cards from now on.
Aren't you on top of the leader board every year?
Russell's right on my ass, I need all the help I can get!
goalie pulled
Homer wrote:Generational gap dumb dumb posts.
Generational gap dumb dumb posts.